Vivid Emotions
Exploring the Healing Power of Music Through Animation

This collaborative animation project, Vivid Emotions, showcases the transformative power of music in uplifting moods. Using a mix of pixilation and 2D animation techniques, the project follows a teen navigating emotional highs and lows, with vibrant visuals evolving in sync with a music track to symbolise healing and hope.

In this group project, I contributed to:

  • Developing the initial concept and mood.

  • Assisting in the storyboard creation and aligning it with the beat script created by the group.

  • Creating personas to connect the narrative with the audience.

  • Producing initial sketches in Procreate and refining elements in Photoshop (in collaboration with a team member).

  • Modelling for the animation, bringing the character’s movements and emotions to life.

  • Editing the final animation in After Effects, ensuring smooth transitions and synchronization with the music.

This project taught me how to blend creativity with technical execution while collaborating in a team setting. It highlighted the importance of teamwork, adaptability, and attention to detail in achieving a cohesive and impactful result.




Personal Prints